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Customer experience, monetization, automation: why meet with Infovista at MWC Barcelona 2024

Marc Serra
Dec. 14 2023

As an industry, we've invested billions of dollars into network infrastructure but, for many operators, 5G still isn't delivering the promised returns on investment. The focus for operators at MWC24 will be on realizing and maximizing the monetizable 5G opportunities – wherever they lie.

At the heart of this is operators’ ability to understand all their customers, deliver streamlined customer-centric services, and crucially differentiate and monetize the customer experience. 

Elevate your customer experience with Infovista

At Infovista, we have a strong belief that if you can intelligently plan the delivery, expansion, and optimization of your networks based on customer experience and business intent, it unlocks their full potential. Comprehending how fixed, 4G and 5G networks are affecting your end users is the starting point for better user experiences, and in turn drive revenue and optimize costs.

The real win for operators is when you can take this end-to-end data and put it together to deliver business insight into your networks, services and end-customer experiences. There is magic in that information – magic in data about how the networks are being deployed against what you planned for, how they are being used, and how your consumers are experiencing the services.  

Three pillars for elevating your customer experience

At MWC Barcelona, Infovista will be sharing insights, best-practices and real-world examples of how you can elevate your customer experience today. From data insight, through automation to monetization, our team are there to help you, wherever you are in your 5G journey.

1. UNDERSTAND: Transform data into insights for informed decision-making

It’s not enough to have data, or even to analyze that data – you have to be able to understand it and use it for decision-making. Whether it’s understanding expected RF coverage and delivering accurate radio designs for a target QoE, efficiently coordinating network testing projects to benchmark your customers’ experience against your competitors, or accelerating root cause and business impact analysis to ensure fast problem resolution before it impacts your customers, it all starts with an end-to-end understanding of your 5G network, services and subscribers.  

2. AUTOMATE: Streamline your Ops with business-driven automation

While the future is undoubtedly in autonomous networks powered by AI, there are practical steps you can take today to streamline your Ops with business-driven automation. This means using automation to increase 5G network design efficiency and free up engineers for higher-value tasks; it means using automation to scale your network deployment and testing so even non-technical drivers can conduct advanced testing; and it means evolving your operations to become customer-centric, prioritizing the right customers’ traffic whenever there are bottlenecks. To that end, we are developing our software in close alignment with TM Forum's Open API and ODA manifestos, including the development of a catalyst around business-driven Automation enabled by 360° observability and Intelligence together with BT, AWS and other partners.

3. MONETIZE: Turn insights into revenue streams and introduce new services with confidence

Combining data insight from multiple sources and domains opens up new monetization opportunities. By considering cost, revenue and crowdsourced data in your network design, you ensure they will deliver the required QoE while optimizing CAPEX investment. If you validate and optimize user experience for both native and OTT apps and services, you are taking a major step towards maximizing revenues and minimizing churn. And if you take a 360-degree view of your services combining customers, devices and network data you deliver differentiated SLAs to your 5G business customers, while transforming your customer analytics into new revenue streams. 

Meet with Infovista at MWC24 to start elevating your 5G customer experience

Our team will be on hand throughout MWC Barcelona to hear from you about your 5G journey, understand the challenges and opportunities you face, and share insights into how your peers are using solutions powered by Infovista’s portfolio spanning planning, testing and assurance.  

Want to hear more? In this interview with Telecom TV, our CEO Rick Hamilton shares his insights into the execution roadblocks faced by fixed and mobile operators, the role of automation in overcoming them by reducing costs and unlocking end-to-end data insights, and where he sees the real 5G monetization opportunities for operators.

Remote video URL

Throughout MWC Barcelona 2024, you will find the Infovista team in the Executive Meeting Rooms in Hall 7 (7C6Ex and 7D5Ex). If you’re going to be in Barcelona, we’d love to meet with you and dig into how Infovista can support you on your 5G journey.   

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