2 MIN READ | Service Assurance

Infovista Bolsters Application Visibility with 5View Service Data Manager, Demos Live at Management World in Nice

Christopher Cullan
May. 3 2013

By Christopher Cullan, Product Marketing Manager, Business Services Solutions, Infovista

The increasing complexity of technology environments is placing a constant pressure on enterprises to achieve more results and greater agility with fewer resources. As a result, they are looking to their communications service providers (CSPs) for ways to improve their IT agility in order to manage massive application deployments, cloud services and BYOD programs, while reducing their IT costs.

CSPs are well-positioned to address these issues as enterprises' reliance on wide area networking continues to grow. By helping enterprises better understand and manage their networking and communications resources from an application perspective, CSPs can empower them to achieve the business agility they require. And in so doing, CSPs stand to improve their enterprise customers' experience and grow revenues with application performance visibility.

Infovista today announced that the latest version of 5View™ Service Data Manager (SDM) will be released on May 13, 2013 to support CSPs in accomplishing just that. This is one of several network planning, service assurance and optimization products Infovista will be demoing at TM Forum's Management World conference taking place that same week in Nice, France.

The 5View SDM demo will make clear why, in order for enterprises to deliver the highest quality of experience for their end users, they need real-time, in-depth application performance information. Without it, they cannot effectively troubleshoot problems, conduct accurate service and application usage analysis or take full advantage of their high-speed VPNs and cloud computing initiatives.

In addition to the solution's pre-built integration with Alcatel-Lucent's 5670 RAM, this latest release offers pre-built integration for Cisco Application Visibility & Control (AVC), as we previously announced. This provides a broader range of options for launching Application Visibility Services, such as application-aware VPNs. Coupled with the support for multiple vendor flow technologies and Infovista's own DPI appliances, CSPs have numerous architectural options for delivering compelling Application Visibility Services to support their VPN, Internet and cloud-based offerings, and drive the growth of those services and accompanying revenues.

Should you be attending Management World in Nice, I invite you to visit our booth (# 10) to discuss this solution and the applicable architectures and options, as well give you the chance to see it in action with Cisco AVC at “The Hub” (previously known as Forumville at past TM Forum events). In addition, should you be considering a Cisco AVC-based solution, I'd like to invite you to a joint meeting with both Cisco and Infovista to go over the details of that integration. To book a session, please email Dina Rodrigues at drodrigues@infovista.com.

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