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Vlog: What's on the Horizon for Carrier Ethernet Performance Management?


By Christopher Cullan, Product Marketing Manager, Business Services Solutions, Infovista

Last month at Light Reading's Ethernet Expo, I was invited to speak with Stan Hubbard of Heavy Reading about the current challenges and opportunities that Carrier Ethernet service providers are faced with today. We covered a lot of ground, including the expansion of the technology's usage into the enterprise, the disconnect surrounding the importance of performance reporting and how service quality visualization is impacting the customer experience.

One thing that is clear to see in this space is the importance of adding value to customer offerings. For instance, as I mentioned to Stan, most Carrier Ethernet service providers offer SLA's such as availability. But just because a service comes with a guarantee, for example, 99.99% availability over the month, customers still care about that four-and-a-half minutes of downtime should it occur. Providing ways to help the Ethernet service's customer determine when and where business impacting events occur including capacity shortages, latency, frame loss and other performance attributes in real time, ensures they can properly react, plan around or even prevent those events.  This approach ensures the value of the Ethernet service is fully realized and the customer experience is positive such that the Ethernet services' customer is not only a satisfied one, but an actual advocate of the service, and its provider.

To hear more of our conversation around Carrier Ethernet performance management opportunities and challenges, watch the video above. Any questions? Please be sure to leave a comment below or contact me at ccullan@infovista.com. And be sure to follow Infovista on Twitter (@Infovista) or sign up for the ProActive Network News RSS feed to be the first to read an upcoming guest post from Stan Hubbard about the Carrier Ethernet Services Market!

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