tech waves

Solution Brief

Customer-Centric, In-Depth Mobile Network Troubleshooting

Can you cost-effectively leverage the power of call traces to troubleshoot your RAN, where and when it matters most?

While 100 percent customer satisfaction is unrealistic in the face of increasing network complexity and exponential data traffic growth, it is essential for mobile operators to continuously ensure optimal quality of service (QoS) for their subscribers, starting with the most valuable ones. To succeed, RF engineers need a tool that has the power to analyze millions of calls, or simply just one!

Download this solution brief to learn how RF engineers can leverage the power of call trace data by translating network and subscriber information into geo-located actionable customer-centric network intelligence, and:

  • Proactively identify VIP customers for which QoS is at risk,
  • Accelerate root cause analysis and troubleshoot RF problems down to the individual user or cell level,
  • Analyze customer-impacting problems to find and fix recurring issues quickly.

Customer-Centric, In-Depth Mobile Network Troubleshooting