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Ativa™ 360° Assurance for 5G Slicing Solution

How can operators monetize their 5G network by delivering SLA-backed services at scale? 

Infovista Ativa™ 360° Assurance for 5G Slicing enables communications service providers (CSPs) to overcome the barriers to delivering 5G service level agreement (SLA) guarantees so they rapidly monetize investments while optimizing OPEX spending, all from a single pane of glass. 

Network slicing at scale requires CSPs to gain granular visibility and control of their networks to a much greater extent than in the case of scenarios absent of network slicing. The Ativa 360° Assurance for 5G Slicing solution addresses the capability gaps that block the initiation of 5G slicing-enabled, monetizable SLA-backed service delivery at scale. 

The solution provides full visibility and control of network slice resource performance across domains and the customer experience of users or IoT devices served by network slices, enabling service delivery based on business intent.  

The solution enables the end-to-end visualization of slice related KPIs across multiple domains, from radio to core and transport. 

The key features and benefits of the Ativa 360° Assurance for 5G Slicing are:  

  • Correlation from user experience and SLAs to network infrastructure for automated cross-domain root-cause analysis (RCA) 
  • Automated troubleshooting with a flexible, pre-configured NOC/SOC workflow automation tool 
  • Automated impact analysis for network performance degradations, identifying the impacted devices, subscribers, and network slices  
  • Support for slice lifecycle manager interoperability for rapid activation of monitoring and troubleshooting for newly created, modified, or deleted network slices 
  • Native to 5G Standalone (5G SA) with full SBA monitoring through Infovista’s leading cloud-native 5G SA SBA monitoring capability, the solution provides complete visibility and insight into the 5G service-based architecture (SBA) 
  • Future-proof with support for predictive AI/ML modeling, closed-loop automation and AIOps 
  • Multi-tenancy with support for GDPR conformance through data and application segregation  
