tech waves


Ativa™ User Plane Applications Solution

How can operators monitor subscriber data usage, get visibility into encrypted traffic and identify trend patterns in order to proactively manage network optimization and provide superior QoE to their customers? 

Current network and service monitoring solutions limit operators’ ability to visualize and proactively manage their operations with a focus on the customer, resulting in poor customer experience, high OPEX, the reliance on multiple ‘silo’ assurance systems and an inability to respond quickly to changes in network usage and performance. 

Through the User Plane Applications Solution, Infovista Ativa™ enables mobile network operators to intuitively visualize and troubleshoot user applications performance in any type of mobile network. The solution package improves application reliability, reduces time-to-resolve, enhances network application SLA performance, and improves quality of experience (QoE). 

Key features of the solution package include: 

  • Service dashboards showing key user plane applications and service KPIs 
  • Interactive reports enabled by application category performance visualization 
  • End-to-end tracing tools, providing a single solution for analyzing multi-service and multi-protocol network environments from a single pane of glass 
  • Advanced DPI engine for traffic recognition 
  • Comprehensive mobile networks interface 

Download the datasheet for more information on the Ativa User Plane Applications Solution. 
