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On-demand webinar

Cloud-native customer experience assurance with Infovista KLERITY™

Case study & demo: How leading CSPs deliver ubiquitous experience assurance at reduced TCO with a distributed, elastic microservices-based solution

Modern experience assurance platforms must deliver real-time, per-subscriber intelligence, predictive diagnostics and automated troubleshooting – whether across 5G/4G/3G/2G, fixed, enterprise, IoT, cloud-hosted or hybrid networks – as well as support advanced service monetization and rapid time-to-market. They must also be dynamic, distributed and orchestratable with significantly reduced and predictable TCO.

But cloudifying traditional monolithic probe-based assurance systems is not enough: the next generation of experience assurance platforms must be fully cloud-native, by design, providing:

  • Lightweight virtual agents for data collection instead of traditional dedicated hardware
  • Support for distributed use cases, through session-independent monitoring, including 5G SA CUPS
  • Seamless horizontal scale-up and scale-down, to match traffic volume and business needs
  • Seamless rolling upgrades and built-in high availability
  • Full infrastructure- and platform-agnostic architecture with support for hybrid environments: bare metal, hybrid cloud, multi-cloud, public and private cloud 

Join us for a demonstration and discussion on how leading and innovative CSPs are benefitting from the first truly cloud-native, by design, experience assurance solution, accelerating 5G network monetization and lifecycle automation – Infovista KLERITY™.