tech waves

Solution Brief

Improving Wholesale Bottom Line by Deploying a Premium Reporting Portfolio

As mobile operators have begun to lease capacity from backhaul network service providers, they realize that they have no visibility into the quality of the cell site traffic transiting over these leased connections, relying solely on sporadic, basic SLA reports that lack the metrics visibility required to assure the end-to-end quality of their mobile services.

This lack of visibility presents a great opportunity for wholesale backhaul service providers looking to augment the value of their transport services and improve their bottom-line by proactively leveraging their network and service quality.

Most of mobile operators focus their churn-reduction strategy around improving QoE (quality of experience), and are thereby demanding more actionable, end-to-end and real-time performance visibility into their leased services to ensure quality of service and retain subscribers that have developed a lack of tolerance for degraded services.

Improving Wholesale Backhaul Services Bottom Line