
Network testing training program

TEMS™ Pocket Training

TEMS™ Pocket Training is a 1-day course that focuses on how to get started with TEMS™ Pocket Professional and how to improve your existing skills. It is aimed at a skill level of beginner to intermediate. Common radio-related problems are analyzed using logfiles recorded in various locations and analysis of these will help the students understand how to use the tool to extract and interpret any relevant information. 

Target Audience:  
The target audience for this course is primarily Radio Network Optimizers and Cell Planners, but also Service Planning Engineers, Service Design Engineers, Network Design Engineers, Network Deployment Engineers, Service Deployment Engineers, System Engineers, Service Engineers.  
The participants should have theoretical knowledge within GSM, WCDMA and/or LTE as radio network terms are used extensively during the training.  
Duration and class size:  
The duration of the course is 1 days and the maximum number of participants is 8.  
Learning situation:  
This course is an on-site training course based on theoretical and practical instructor-led lessons. Our trainer may deviate from the outlined agenda in order to spend more time on a specific topic of interest for the participants. This may lead to some sections not being covered to the same extent as intended, but the participants will always have access to the complete course material.  
Overall Objective:  
After the completion of the course, the participant will have a solid background in the capabilities and usage of TEMS™ Pocket.  



This course is delivered upon demand. Please fill out the form to register.