tech waves

Case Study

Ensuring Optimal Quality of Experience with Subscriber-Aware Network Optimization

Vipnet, a pioneer in the Croatian mobile telecommunications market services, serves over 2 million subscribers every day. In 2011, rapid expansionof the operator’s 3G network ampli ed the challengesalready faced by its optimization and quality team to keepup with traf c growth on the Croatian providers’ network.

Vipnet was already conducting regular optimization andexpansion activities on a daily basis to ensure the healthof its mobile network. Managing these tasks concurrently became increasingly demanding and dif cult to achieve, especially for tasks such as optimizing neighboring cells.

High volumes of data were continuously being collected and post-processed with existing in-house tools, proving to be an inadequate and time consuming task.

Vipnet - Ensuring Optimal Quality of Experience with Subscriber-Aware Network Optimization