Overview image of busy airport


TEMS™ Sense – Remotely monitor your wireless network services end-to-end

Validate subscriber experience

TEMS™ Sense is a phone-based remote testing solution delivering fully automated monitoring and real-time analytics from locations across the network. It can be mounted in fixed locations such as airports and stadiums, or in vehicles such as taxis and public transport. Units are remotely managed and controlled. A proactive testing approach means staying ahead of potential issues and giving your subscribers the quality, they deserve.

In this datasheet, we highlight how TEMS Sense delivers a robust and reliable solution with inbuilt intelligence, SIM multiplexing, social media and OTT testing together with device comprehensive technology support.

Download this datasheet to learn more about how you can continuously validate your subscriber experience with 24x7 active network monitoring with TEMS Sense.

Preview image of TEMS Sense datasheet

Continuously validate your subscriber experience with 24x7 active network monitoring