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Path to 5G: Video streaming testing

Today’s mobile video streaming ecosystem is complex. Testing the video streaming service requires knowledge of the codec and bit rate being used, video frame rate and resolution, network condition and available bandwidth, buffer characteristics and the devices’ capabilities, in addition to the video content itself.

In this video, Infovista expert, Dr. Irina Cotanis, explained some of the key elements need to be addressed in video testing, and how to overcome these challenges to ensure the best customer video experience.

  • Mobile Video Services on the fast track to 5G
  • Variety of mobile video content and various delivery mythologies
  • Different protocols and video QoS/QoE metrics being used in mobile video testing
  • Dynamically adapt video testing as one of the three 5G use cases

You will also learn about how TEMS solutions provide the best-suited QoE models for user-centric evaluation and benchmarking, and why the automated top-down troubleshooting and diagnosis approach can help you to save time and reduce cost.

Discover more about our TEMS™ Suite or contact us for a demo.