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Maximize ROI of CBRS
Network Planning

Yann Le Helloco, Chief Technology & Product Officer, explains in this video how you can maximize ROI of CBRS bands, and the benefits of network automation.

The importance of Service Assurance
Automated Assurance

Franco Messori, Chief Strategy Officer at Infovista, and Dean Ramsey, Analyst at TM Forum, discuss the strategic importance of service assurance to operators.

MWC 2022 - NLA cloud platform and E2E troubleshooting

NLA cloud platform presented by Igor Pais, NLA Product Management Director, Infovista, at MWC 2022.

MWC 2022 - Automated SSV - NLA use case

Single Site Verification presented by Pär Hultén, TEMS Product Manager, Infovista at MWC 2022.

MWC 2022 - Planet AI Model - Network planning

Planet AI Model presented by Ankit Narang, Solution Engineering Director, Infovista

MWC 2022 - 360° Assurance for fixed voice - NLA use case

360° Assurance for fixed voice presented by Florimond Salvi, Solution Engineering Consultant, Infovista, at MWC 2022.

MWC 2022 - Smart CAPEX - NLA use case

Network Lifecycle Automation (NLA) use case presented by Muhannad Alabweh, Global VP, Solution Engineering, Infovista at MWC 2022.

MWC 2022 - Interview with José Duarte

Meet José Duarte, Infovista Chief Executive Officer at MWC 2022.

MWC 2022 - Interview with Faiq Khan

Meet Faiq Khan, President, Global Networks International Business, Infovista, at MWC 2022.

MWC 2022 - Interview with Marc Serra

Meet Marc Serra, Infovista CMO & Head of Corporate Development at MWC 2022.

Explainer video: Planet RF planning and optimization
Network Planning

Discover the 5 key requirements for effectively planning and optimizing a mobile network that meets QoE and ROI expectations – with Infovista Planet.

Precision Drive Testing™ explained
Network Testing

Find out how Precision Drive Testing can deliver 26% reduction in drive distance and a massive 49% reduction in drive test time for your 5G networks.

Ativa™ Automated Assurance & Operations explained
Automated Assurance

In this video we introduce Infovista Ativa™ – a new suite of cloud-native Automated Assurance and Operations applications that provides a 360-degree view across all…

The path to 5G: Subscriber-oriented network troubleshooting and…
Network Testing

InfoVista expert discusses VoLTE optimization challenges facing the operators today. In addition, he explains the importance of obtaining visibility of VoLTE network…

Interview: sQLEAR a novel voice quality predictor for 4G and 5G voice…
Network Testing

sQLEAR is a network centric voice QoE algorithm, based on machine learning technology and tailored for drive testing. Watch this conversational video between industry…

TEMS Investigation - Test and measure your ever-evolving mobile…
Network Testing

TEMS™ Investigation is an active, end-to-end testing solution, used to verify, optimize and troubleshoot Heterogeneous RAN services.

Deep mining – Ensuring better IoT communications with TEMS
Network Testing

Connectivity in mines is crucial and presents unique challenges, which demand consistent service performance. TEMS Investigation is being used in an innovative project to…

Millimeter Wave Propagation and Massive MIMO
Network Planning

Rising demand for new services and applications creates increased capacity requirements in the network. On the path to 5G, existing radio access network technologies will…

Application enhanced vCPE-based customer reporting - from SLAs to SD-…
Automated Assurance

Infovista can help CSPs to address their entire customer base, all the way from SLAs with performance visibility through to monetizable application performance assurance…

Successfully launching IoT services with accurate radio network…
Network Planning

Watch this video to learn how Planet, Infovista’s network planning solution can help RF engineering team to cost-effectively expand their network and confidently leverage…
