Blue abstract 5G technology vector illustration on black background

Use case

Monetizing 5G slices for maximum ROI with Ativa™

5G slicing offers vast potential, but managing it efficiently requires precise assurance. Ativa™ simplifies end-to-end 5G slice management, empowering telecom service providers to:

  • Monitor 5G slice performance across RAN, transport, core, and cloud
  • Ensure SLA compliance and pinpoint service degradations in real-time
  • Deliver tailored, self-service analytics portals for enterprise customers
  • Automate troubleshooting, impact analysis, and network optimization

With Ativa, gain clear visibility, optimize operations, and speed up time-to-value, all while driving 5G monetization.

Download the full use case to discover how Ativa helps you ensure 5G slices performance and maximize ROI. 

Preview of Ativa use case - Monetize 5G slices

Gain clear visibility over your 5G slices, optimize operations, and speed up time-to-value