Complete 5G Story

On-demand webinar

Test use cases in demand for 5G NR deployments

Notes from Infovista Network Testing

The rapidly growing number of 5G New Radio (NR) deployments and 5G devices comes with the challenging task of making sure that the 5G NR deployments are cost efficiently optimized and smoothly integrated with the legacy networks in order to meet  the 5G QoS requirements for throughput, latency, mobility and connectivity density; case by case basis (eMBB, URLCC, mMTC).  

In this short webinar Infovista shares some of their findings while working and testing with customers in more than 200 5G NR deployments and trials. We discuss main 5G NR test use cases in demand for operators on their uphill path to deliver the required 5G QoS/ QoE performances.

Operators’ and regulators’ technical teams listening in to Infovista webinar will learn:

  • How 5G QoS/QoE expectations are impacted by the new enabling technologies such as mmW, mMIMO/3D beamforming, leaner/flexible/scalable 5G frame structure.
  • Which are the main 5G NR test use cases required to ensure continuous, reliable and consistent 5G QoS/QoE from non-stand alone  coverage and dual connectivity to dynamic spectrum sharing and stand - alone mode. 
  • Why and how Infovista network testing moves to remotely automated solutions and predictive QoS/QoE measurements for CSPs and IoT providers alike.

Learn more about 5G NR drive testing or contact us for a demo.